my mood was really bad today. bad to the max.
sorry. because of this, i backed out last minute.
misery, why are you here? or maybe, it's partly due to my big auntie. pms you know you know. pw, studies, friendships, personal problems, mental. they are good enough to kill me. maybe i should do some reflections for the entire week.
i know i slacked off quite alot lately on studies. getting tired easily, unable to focus for long. val, must get your momenturn back alright? work hard for promos! you must promote this year alright.
i think pw has shortened my lifespan. probably 10 years! puohua said maybe i only can live up to 30 years old. so minus 10. i only left with 3 more years to go. -,- i think commitment is the key man. why can't we be more committed to it? we just left with like about 2 more months to go? why don't we just give our very best and stay committed? and after OP, thats it. we can say "ahnyeong!" to pw. i know i complained alot. i know i can't always blame you guys. like as if i'm not at fault at all. but i would rather you guys tell me what's my problem and i will try my very best to change. maybe we should stand on each other's shoes and think. seriously, it's sickening to get pissed every time. i know everyone has their own problem. but please understand. i know you guys may/may not see this, but i just want to say how i feel. we pissed off. we cried. but almost nothing has changed. i don't know what else can we do. i don't want to regret when we got back the results. please, give your very best and commitment. ):
friendships. i don't know. probably things have to be clarify. the feeling had been haunting me for long. i hate it. so friendship changes as time passed? no longer like what it used to be?
jokes can make people laugh. but they can also make people's heart ache.
i thought you all know, but actually i'm wrong.i thought i'm okay, but actually i'm what if two years have passed? the things are still there. damn.
♥ 8:49 AM
Mm.. this is the 4th day since i came back from bangkok. it's not a very wonderful trip, since out of 9, 6 of us fell sick on the last day. mom was the most jialat one. she vomitted a whole bag of things out. ): i suffered with terrible and horrible pain and diarrhoea. made me feel like dying and couldn't really walk. the people working at the airport were so nice to offer wheel chair for me. cos our gate was so damn far. F3. i rejected it cos it made me look so sickly. if i ever know F3 was so far away, i would have just sit on the wheel chair man. terrible. and the flight delayed somemore. what's worst than this? pain and stranded at bangkok, unable to get home. sherry even vomitted on the plane twice. poor thing.
stayed over at weiting's house on wed to study. weiting ah, she damn pig. slept for damn long. i tried to wake her up so many times. but she refused to. tsk tsk.
and and thursday slept throughout the entire day. because i was still unwell and having diarrhoea. so finally couldn't take it already. went to see the doctor on friday. the syrup the doctor prescribed sucks. tasted damn like medicine. eee. but at least my diarrhoea stopped.
okay, there are alot of things to be done. as in homework. but there is only 1 week to do. and left with 1 day from now. ): oh my. how am i supposed to pass promos like this? it's damn scary. i'm trying very hard to stay focused and don't sleep. eng mom said i wasted alot of time sleeping. so now she actually afraid that i fall asleep and always check whether i am sleeping or not. LOL. but must really work hard. i want promote up to J2! ^^
let's work very hard everyone!
i'll try not to do that, cos i don't want to be like you.
♥ 10:38 AM